Electrical Panel Upgrades in Seattle
It seems like a new piece of technology that will help your life comes out every other day. This can be a great thing but all this new technology can strain the electrical system of your home or office. Furthermore, there are many places in Seattle that have not improved their electrical panels in decades, leading to a variety of problems and even potential dangers.
A&A Electric is here to provide you the service upgrades you need to ensure that you are up to code and allow you to easily run multiple electrical devices when you need to. Our experienced and licensed electrical technicians can inspect your panel, discuss your current and future needs, and give you an estimate that takes your budget into account.
Signs you need a service upgrade
No one wants to call an electrician unless they have to. Here are some signs to look out for that may indicate that you need to upgrade your panel.
Dim or flickering lights – an indication that something is wrong with the wiring, dim or flickering lights can also be accompanied with the smell of burning electronics or appliances. It is also a good idea to look at your outlets for any discoloration due to faulty wiring.
Your panel has fuses – you turn something on and then it shuts right off and you have to go check the panel. If this happens to you, then it is probably due to a problem with the panel, wiring or using more electricity than the system can handle.
Relying on extension cords and power strips more than you should – if you are using a number of power strips to run the technology you want, then a panel upgrade and some more outlets is what you need. Overdependence on power stripes increases the possibility of a fire and indicates that your home or office is not built for your current needs.
Give A&A Electric a call to safeguard your home or business
Do any of these issues sound familiar? If so, then it is a good idea to call on a professional electrician to make sure that you are safe when it comes to the electricity that you use on a daily basis. We invite the people of Seattle to give us a call for a consultation and free estimate. We look forward to hearing from you!